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Stop F1 King William St - North East side

地址:200 Victoria Square, Adelaide [街景]
公交线:117 Port Adelaide Interchange to City
174 Paradise Interchange to City
190B City to Mitcham Square
202 Ingle Farm to City
203 Tea Tree Plaza Interchange to City
204 Northgate to City
251 Mansfield Park to City
548 Greenwith & Tea Tree Plaza Interchange to City
611 Adelaide High School to City
630 Marryatville High School to City
G10A Blair Athol to Daw Park
G10B Blair Athol to Bedford Park
202F Ingle Farm to City
208 Paradise Interchange to City
209F Tea Tree Plaza Interchange to City
253X Mansfield Park to City
254X Port Adelaide Interchange to City
528 Northgate to City
985 St Dominic's to City
626 Charles Campbell Secondary School & Saint Ignatius College t
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