维州男子死于日本脑炎 Dies from Japanese Encephalitis

尸检证实 An autopsy has revealed 一名来自维多利亚北部的男子死于日本脑炎。目前正调查 an investigation is now underway to work out,该男子实如何被传染 how he contracted it。现在维州一共有七例日本脑炎确诊病例  seven confirmed cases of Japanese Encephalitis in Victorian residents.

以前日本脑炎仅限于澳洲北部 historically only been reported in far north Australia。专家说,情况令人担忧 it was cause for concern。像日本脑炎这样的传染病日益威胁全球 infections like Japanese Encephalitis are a growing  global threat,这与全球气候变化和工业化有关 due to climate change, increased industrialisation。