
2022年6月维州公务员总数是354,800,其中290,932全职工作。 公务员占维州总劳动力10%。 政府有1854个部门/单位招人。

维州规模最大的20所学校(the largest combined primary and secondary schools in Victoria, based on student enrolment)

学校性质(Education Sector) 学校名称(School Name) 学生总人数(Enrolment) Catholic St Francis Xavier College 3303 Independent Bacchus Marsh Grammar 3241 Government Alamanda K-9 College 3230 Independent Caulfield Grammar School 3203 Independent Wesley College 3164 Independent Sirius College 3058 Government Manor Lakes P-12 College 2930 Independent Beaconhills College 2879 Independent Penleigh & Essendon Grammar School 2847 Government Hazel Glen College… Continue reading 维州规模最大的20所学校(the largest combined primary and secondary schools in Victoria, based on student enrolment)

钢琴乐谱符号 Musical Notation

钢琴乐谱符号 乐谱符号 Notation / Symbols 五线谱 staff / stave 加线 leger /leger lines 小节线 bar line / barline 双小节线 double bar line 终止线 bold double bar line 虚线小节线 dotted bar line 括号 bracket 括号/支撑 brace 高音谱号 treble clef 中音谱号 alto clef 低音谱号 bass clef 八度谱号 octave clef 中性谱号 neutral clef 倍全音符/倍全休止符 double whole note /rest… Continue reading 钢琴乐谱符号 Musical Notation

能想象维州警察坐骑是骆驼吗?take ownership of its new caravan of Camel

减少水炮车费用 增强‘战斗力“:三眼皮/双睫毛/全闭鼻孔(这是骆驼超能力吗?) 省油全能坐骑 fuel efficient all-terrain vehicle 实现“马儿跑马儿不吃草” comparable in speed and agility to racehorses but requiring less food and water 这些骆驼都是野生捕获的骆驼。维州警察欢迎这些小伙伴。bring them here and providing them with a meaningful role within the community 真的假的??