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Commonwealth Av opp Albert Hall

地址:Commonwealth Ave, Parkes ACT 2600 [街景]
公交線:162 to Tuggeranong Stn
163 to Tuggeranong Stn
171 to Tuggeranong Stn
300 to Tuggeranong Stn
314 to Tuggeranong Stn
315 to Tuggeranong Stn
318 to Box Hill Av Lanyon Marketplace
319 to Box Hill Av Lanyon Marketplace
343 to Tuggeranong Stn
725 to Brierly St Cooleman Ct
725 City West Platform 1 - Brierly St Cooleman Ct
726 to Hindmarsh Dr Weston Creek Terminus
732 to Woden Bus Stn
783 to Brierly St Cooleman Ct

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